
Health & Nursing Services

Dolores County School District RE-2J
Lacey Larimore, RN
(970) 677-2237 x 209 HS/MS
(970) 677-2296 Elem.
M - TH 7:30 - 4:30
[email protected]

The School Nurse and our team of trained staff are here to ensure your child is safe and healthy and ready to learn while attending school. While working side-by-side with parents, the school nurse also collaborates with your provider to provide continuity of care for those children with chronic diseases and assists in making referrals for those that may require a more thorough examination to address medical, psychological or physical needs.

The school nurse also plays a valuable role in disease prevention and surveillance, health screenings to include vision and hearing, environmental health, health promotion and education, and supporting students, families and the school community.

Illness Guidelines:

Please follow the guidelines below for keeping your child home when they are ill.

The best way to prevent the spread of illness is through good hand washing and staying home when sick. 

Self-Carry Contracts:

Self-carry contracts are for those students responsible enough to carry their own asthma inhaler or EpiPen while in school and are able to administer the medication to themselves in the event of an emergency. This agreement is to be signed by the student, the parent and School Nurse and does not require a provider's signature.



Colorado law requires all students attending Colorado schools and licensed child cares to be vaccinated against certain diseases unless a medical or non-medical exemption is filed. A new form must be submitted annually for non-medical exemptions. For more information about vaccine requirements, resources and exemptions, please visit the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment's School Immunization page.

The following website is an excellent source that guides parents in obtaining accurate information on vaccines:

Do you qualify for low or no-cost vaccines? Find a provider here.


It is our school's policy to have in place a completed Medication Authorization Form (link found below) if any over-the-counter (OTC) and/or prescribed medications are to be administered during school hours, on field trips, and at school-sponsored events. This form needs to be signed by a physician with prescribing authority and by you, the parent. This document is valid for one year. Please plan ahead with field trips and school-sponsored events and have this documentation in place.

Health Care Plans: 

Health care plans are designed to be a collaborative effort between your child's health care provider, you as the parent, and the School Nurse. This document lays out the plan for how your student will be cared for while in school if they have a medical diagnosis and a need for intervention, to include medication administration, if necessary.

If your child needs a health care plan, the following documents can be taken to your provider to be completed and brought back to school. All care plans must be renewed annually and turned in ideally before school starts.

This list is not comprehensive and if your child has an illness or condition not listed above, please contact the School Nurse.


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