January 2025
DCE Families:
Welcome Back and Happy New Year!
I hope you all had a joyful Christmas and a restful holiday break. As we begin the new semester, the pace is calmer, offering an excellent opportunity for deep, focused learning.
To kick off, we'll conduct mid-year assessments using DIBELS and MAPS to evaluate your child’s progress and tailor their learning needs. These results will be discussed during February conferences.
Please continue supporting your child by reading together at least four times a week for 20 minutes and practicing age-appropriate math facts.
Here’s to a productive and enriching third quarter!
Upcoming Dates:
January 16th at 2:30 Quarter Awards in the Pup’s Den
January 13-23 - DIBELS and MAPS testing. For your child’s testing schedule, please contact your child’s teacher.
Feb 5 and 6th - Parent/Teacher Conferences
This month we are going to focus on the Bullpup Character trait of being safe. We will be teaching students how to be safe in all areas of the school and to behave in a safe manner. This week we are working on students asking for a break if they are feeling themselves getting angry or frustrated. We will continue a focus per week this month and move to another Bullpup STRONG trait next month.
Take Care, Principal Forst